Difference between Input and Output devices

Difference between Input and Output devices, Input and Output devices, Input devices, Output devices, I/O devices

Some Input and Output Devices

Input Devices

Output Devices

1. Hardware components that are used to provide data and control signals to a computer.
1. Hardware components that use received data from a computer to perform a task.
2. Send data to the computer.
2. Get the data from the computer.
3. Succession: Used First.
3. Succession: Used second.
4. To give information to the computer for processing.
4. To get information from the computer for processing.
5. Processed by the user.
5. Processed by the computer.
6. It is cheaper than output devices.
6. It is more expansive.
7. Sender.
7. Receiver.
8. It cannot receive data from another device.
8. It cannot send data to another device.
9. Example: webcam, joystick, microphone, mouse, keyboard, camera etc.
9. Example: printer, speaker, projector, flash memory, monitor etc.

Difference between Input and Output devices, Input and Output devices, Input devices, Output devices, I/O devices, Example of Input and Output devices

Example of Input and Output devices.

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